Android, iOS & WAP app

February - May 2015

Role - Senior Designer
Client - Myriad
Agency - Head London
Design Director - Andy Bennett

Following the launch of the msngr iOS app, the next phase of the project was a straight rebrand across iOS, Android & WAP. With the help of a branding agency in New York, Myriad rebranded the service from “msngr” to “Versy” to coincide with the product’s evolution towards a more content driven social experience and away from a pure group chat proposition.

I was responsible for rolling out the rebrand across the iOS and WAP apps, as well as supporting Andy with the Android rebrand. We created iconography that aligned with the new logo and developed a style that was consistent across all three platforms. Part of the project involved redesigning some components and pages of the Android app to align with Android L & introduce some material design principles, as the previous version only supported up to Kit Kat.

We worked on a tight deadline within various constraints while trying to introduce small changes to the UI and UX where possible. I rolled out the assets for all three platforms as well as created App Store & Google Play screens in English, Spanish & Portuguese. I built on the workflow I had developed whilst working on msngr, using Photoshop & Slicy to output assets while working as closely as possible with the external dev teams to define naming conventions, folder structures and so forth.

Android design stencil

Android design stencil

selecting contacts on Android vs iOS

selecting contacts on Android vs iOS

Group settings for Android, iOS & Wap

Group settings for Android, iOS & Wap