OFFF Mexico 2017
Talk, Performance
I had an incredible experience at OFFF Mexico in Mexico City speaking about my work and closing the festival with an audiovisual collaboration with composer Aldo Aréchar.
This is the full 18 minute show performed with 2V-P and Lemur, and captured with Syphon (it’s always hard to extract just a section as the whole show feels like a journey to me) Shorter extracts can be found below. There are some mistakes as it’s realtime and done in one take.
I didn’t have a huge amount of time to prepare so I leaned on some previous compositions which I reworked along with some newer material. The content is a combination of realtime visuals and effects using Quartz Composer and rendered videos from After Effects.
Mexico had endured an awful earthquake 2 weeks before the festival and I wanted to acknowledge this and pay respects somehow, so the show was influenced by the weather systems and seismic activity during those previous weeks.
Audio: Aldo Aréchar Lo que nos hace continuar
Quartz Composer Plugins: Kineme Audio Tools, _1024_ParticleWarfare, v002 Glitch, v002 Optical-Flow